I am what I choose to become.
– C.G. Jung
The QOLEI-ecosystem is a novel socio-economic paradigm by people for people driven by cooperative innovation
Based on awareness and a strong ethical compass it strives to increase the Quality of life of its citizens.
The ecosystem is built from the ground up on nature’s evolutionary principles. It creates an economic environment facilitating collaboration and responsible, autonomous participation. The QOLEI-ecosystem creates a favourable environment stimulating the birth and growth of crowd founded organisations and initiatives focused on evolving and promoting quality of life throughout all eight life domains.
The achievement of Quality of life being a goal as well as a process, sustainability of the ecosystem goes beyond the profit line as we do not see profit as only being direct financial return. Profit is what we as people and society as a whole get as a return from taking part in this journey and working on our eight life domains.
This website provides a comprehensive overview of the QOLEI, its ecosystem, economy and operation. It is also an entrance for you to actively engage and start your own journey.
but the ones that is most capable of adapting to a
changing environment.

Satisfying our needs and enjoying a fulfilling life.
The general well-being of people and their environment lies in accepting both positive and negative events as being a part of life. Different aspects lead to the ability to experience life satisfaction. Physical and emotional well-being, the ability to study, work or participate in some way in society as well as building relationships and the ability to express your values in your own way of living contribute to the overall experience of quality of life.
The current challenges lie in thinking innovatively about the adjustments that our ever-changing society requires to continue fulfilling those needs.
We firmly believe that everyone has the right and should have the resources to participate in a fulfilling life, experience wellbeing and contribute to our economy.
Building a new future proof system.
Using nature’s recipe
Evolution lies at the base of progress. Well-functioning systems are reproduced and reinforced. Malfunctioning systems die out. The famous “survival of the fittest” principle suggests that only the strong survive. Our history teaches us otherwise. It is not the strongest who survive, but those who have the greatest ability to adapt to the changing environment.
Sustainable economy
By combining sustainable economic principles with an evolutionary distributed governance model, we build a new future proof ecosystem. An economy capable of both being competitive in the current global economy and actively contributing to the creation of more quality of life.
The QOLEI-ecosystem
QOLEI is an international association of people (the citizens) and companies (the organisms) who strive to achieve the same goal, i.e. actively and sustainably build quality of life. The QOLEI-ecosystem is a collaborative whole, a well-oiled machine where the working mechanisms are shaped by a social contract (the climate). This contract determines the way we interact and ensures that all participants adhere to the same principles. The QOLEI-holding is the anchor of this new ecosystem in our economic reality.
The QOLEI’s code of conduct defines our way of interacting and serves as a moral compass.
Change the environment
The QOLEI-ecosystem lives and thrives within the world’s economic reality, as does any other organisation. The economic paradigm shift occurs when we change the climate in which the game is played. The climate defines the way the participants within the ecosystem interact with each other as well as their moral compass. The climate is shaped by the QOLEI-charter and embedded within the work ethics.
The QOLEI-Code of conduct
All participants adhere to the same principles. This Code of conduct includes agreements on:
- The way in which we relate to each other and the world.
- The way in which we can participate.
- The way in which we can commit and what it involves.
- The way in which we consult each other and exchange.
- How cooperation is organized.
Distributed, dynamic and transparent governance.
The QOLEI-organisms are independent and autonomous within the QOLEI-ecosystem, but they are also part of the world in which we all live. This influences the interaction and the extent to which quality of life can be generated in a sustainable way. This sustainability is key to the survival and expansion of the ecosystem. Therefore it’s our responsibility to continuously be aware of how we relate to the world and its global economy.
Distributed governance
Although every QOLEI-organism is bound by the governmental structures, sovereign authorities, laws and frameworks surrounding it, we choose to operate under a distributed governance based on the principles of the Holacracy model. Every citizen enacts its own “roles” within a clearly defined domain and set of accountabilities. Citizens are their own managers within the boundaries of their roles’ domain and assume full responsibility for its functioning. This promotes involvement and empowerment.
Dynamic and transparent
The QOLEI-ecosystem embeds transparent and action-oriented working practices into each organism. This allows for continuous adjustments to be made.
No borders
The basic principles of quality of life can be applied to citizens from all corners of the world. Through research we will workout the cultural differences and work towards a global expansion.
No sovereign authority
The QOLEI-code of conduct is embedded within the QOLEI-holding. They form the foundation for all organisms living inside the ecosystem and define the moral compass for all citizens. It’s one of the QOLEI-holdings core tasks to further elaborate and enforce these principles.
The QOLEI-holding being an evolutionary organism itself lives by its own set of governance rules. This is why as the ecosystem grows governance will expand beyond the current team towards talent amongst its citizens.
Free will
Within the QOLEI-ecosystem responsibilities are voluntarily taken, not given. When a citizen decides to stop, his roles are automatically assigned to the circles lead link.
The emergent result of an evolutionary algorithm and collaboration
Evolutionary Principles |
The economic model
The govenance model
Selection and variation | Ideas are gathered, thoughts are exchanged, business plans are refined and teams are built in an iterative creative process. | The tensions arising from daily operation are processed, one at the time, in a set of structured meetings.
Those give the organisation the ability to vary its code and adapt letting evolutionary innovation carry it forward. |
Encoding | Mature ideas are translated into an organisation’s design, the projects are incorporated and funded. This is the birth of a new organism in the QOLEI-ecosystem. | The organisation’s design is represented in its roles, accountabilities, domains and policies. |
Expression | Each of the QOLEI-organisations contribute actively to more quality of life and fuel the economy of the QOLEI-ecosystem. | Each team-member takes on their responsibilities by enacting their roles and expressing their purpose in the world. |
Fitness test |
The QOLEI-organisations are tested against the QOLEI-index defining their ability to support the growth of the QOLEI-Ecosystem both economically and in terms of the quality of life created.
→ Amplification: Efficient designs will be encouraged and assisted in their growth, they will also form a blueprint on which future ideas can be built → Recycling: Malfunctioning designs will be altered or dismantled. The recovered assets remain in the QOLEI-ecosystem. |
The results are tested against the organisation’s capacity to express its purpose with minimal waste
→ Amplification: Fit designs are kept and replicated → Tensions: When designs are malfunctioning tensions arise. These tensions are sensed by the team members and will lead to new governance |
The whole is more than the sum of its parts
The QOLEI-holding is at the heart of the ecosystem. Its mission is to promote the ecosystem, kickstart projects by providing the necessary support and tools allowing the organisms inside the ecosystem to thrive. Governance is based on the Holacracy constitution thus making its operation evolutionary, decentralized, autonomous and transparent.
The initial work for the realization of the project has been privately funded. The shareholders have adopted the QOLEI’s code of conduct. The active citizens, will nurture and organically grow the organism while in its infancy aiming to attract new talent and solve issues as they arise.
All profits originated from the economic activities of the holding or any other organism within the ecosystem are systematically reinjected, directing the purpose of the whole ecosystem towards growth. Ownership is distributed amongst the citizens relative to their personal involvement.
Equity being a cornerstone of our work ethics, the QOLEI-ecosystem will apply fair, uniform and transparent compensation rules for all participants, whether they are active citizens, citizens or visitors
A (R)evolutionary independent concept
Equity, validation and fair remuneration of knowledge, efforts and participation leads to the proper rewarding and appreciation of the individual. It leads to more willingness to be productive again and thus contribute to society. This willingness encourages and empowers entrepreneurship.
Detaching ourselves from the global economy and achieving financial independence requires a new way of thinking.
The QOLEI ecosystem is driven by participation, added value and equity amongst participants.
- The currency of the ecosystem is the QOL
- Participation is quantified in PAR tokens
- Ownership is expressed in eQOL tokens
Be aware, Connect, Participate, Experience
Any person willing to enjoy products or services offered by organisms and partner organisations of the QOLEI-ecosystem are visitors and thus our guests.
Any person willing to become an active participant in the ecosystem becomes a citizen. As a citizen, participating in the QOLEI ecosystem means you take on a role in one of the organisms.
By default, every citizen has at least the Citizen role in the Citizen circle of the QOLEI-holding. You commit to respecting the constitution and dedicating the time spent in your role on enacting the purpose of that role, the circle or QOLEI.
Becoming a citizen implies you have to ratify the code of conduct. It implies you will agree and will act according to:
- The norms and values laid out in the charter
- The governance processes laid out in the constitution and the work ethics
- The economic principle laid out in the QOLEI-economy
The QOLEI ecosystem is based on equity, everyone can participate using their talents.
Using liquid democracy principles 5 representatives will be elected to cross-links in the Citizen circle. This will allow for tensions to be processed in the tactical and governance meetings. In the beginning these roles will be elected for a period of 3 months. As citizen count rises the top delegate representing each citizen category will process the tensions in the circle meetings.
The QOLEI holding and all organisms inside the ecosystem
- Are decentralized crowd founded organizations
- Are governed by the Holacracy constitution
- Have ownership calculated on dynamic equity principles
- Leverage the teal stages of consciousness to achieve Quality of life for all citizens
- Live by the same economic principles
The blockchain technology allows for transparency and trust between the for-purpose organisations and the citizens. Keeping track of
- Governance
- Participation
- Equity
The platform will feature mixed reality game features where actions in the real world transpire in the online story of the QOLEI-universe
The holding will develop and provide the tools and practices to support this new paradigm. Those include:
- Ethical tools
- Economical tools
- Governance tools
- Legal tools
- Technical tools
QOLEI ecosystem is a purpose driven, participative economy. It is based on added value not on debt. Organisms inside the QOLEI will only be allowed to have current liabilities, no long-term debt. Growth is supported by participation.
The ecosystem introduces a new shared way to deal with property.
The ecosystem creates a network putting purpose agents and for-purpose organisations in contact. We believe this to be the first step towards a new way of living.
The QOLEI will conduct research on the overall aspects of Quality of life in order to:
- Develop practical applications of the QOL concepts to daily life of the general population
- Refine the QOLEI-index which forms the base of our performance evaluation mechanism
- Detail and extend the ethical and economic principles and ground rules of the ecosystem
- Define fair remuneration
- Develop technical tools to support the ecosystems operation
The ecosystem provides a safe environment for new initiatives to emerge and grow by providing a stable and stimulating environment built on transparency. Kickstarting projects and initiatives and allowing organisms to grow and replicate. The role of the QOLEI-holding in this process is to facilitate and fuel projects and initiatives that contribute to enhancing quality of life while closely monitoring their ability to be economically profitable.
The QOLEI-holding will enforce 4 basic rules
- All organisms must use the Holacracy governance model
- All organisms must adhere to the charter
- All profits stay in the QOLEI
- Minimum performance of the organism will be enforced based on the QOL-index
This process is repeated and amplified with each iteration
- Ideas emerge, are debated and grow
- Projects are crystallized and teams are formed
- Matching of experts and talents
- Funds
- Knowhow
- Network
- Supplies
- Businesses are started, expressing their purpose into the world
- Knowledge is shared
- Teaching people how to increase Quality of life in their
- Personal context
- Business context
- Social context
- Quality of life is produced and brought to
- The customers
- The people on the teams
- The people in the community
- Teaching people how to increase Quality of life in their
- Matching of experts and talents
The QOLEI will be an environment where people can interact and share knowhow, knowledge, experiences, creativity, talents, skills and wisdom. The purpose is to cross pollinate and grow.
Experts will organize trainings in their area of expertise using different teaching methods. Visitors and citizens will be able to follow a chosen training program.
The offering will contain different types of courses, lectures and workshops concerning the eight domains of quality of life, the evolutionary governance model, the teal levels of consciousness and more.
The QOLEI ecosystem combines new innovative ways of living, working and relating that we believe will define society in the years to come. The QOLEI will do its bit being an ambassador for
- The future of work: skill based, purposeful work
- The future of governance: distribution of power
- The future of business: Evolutionary, purpose driven where governance and ownership are organised in radically new ways
- The future of economy: where transparency and privacy will be liberating economy from monopolies of the past
Spreading the word
The QOLEI holding will promote the ecosystem. It will do so through the attendance and organization of conferences, workshops and trainings as well as the use of all relevant non-digital and digital communication channels. It will work towards building a network of competences encompassing experts and facilitators to allow the expansion of the QOLEI-ecosystem.
Forging partnerships
For existing initiatives, the QOLEI will work out an onboarding path welcoming organizations that
- Use or are willing to transition to the Holacracy governance model
- Are willing to adhere to the QOLEI-charter
The QOLEI-holding will accompany, coach and assist teams through their transition towards more distributed governance and quality of life.
Partner organisations will be able to make use of the platform and the ecosystem to tap into the talent pool of purpose agents. The citizens will experience the flexibility of realising their own purpose seeking wholeness by putting their different talents to use energising roles in different organisations.
Governance track
- Evolve towards more distributed human interaction
- Write out in detail the mechanics of the economical and governance processes
- Legally encode the new work paradigm
Software track
- Governance of autonomous organisations
- Governance elections & records
- Voting
- Privacy and transparency
- Identity
- Equity and participation tracking
- Accounting
- Ownership
- Payment processor
Academy track
- Raising awareness
- Attending events
- Communication
- Organising events
- Training
Incubator track
- Develop and test ideas without legal overhead
- Encoding mature ideas and building the new economy
- Train and coach teams
- Build the first experience center
Economy & Governance
Bring your energy to the initiative and help it evolve.
You are welcome to contribute knowledge, time, network, cash to the QOLEI and the QOLEI-initiatives. You can do so by becoming a citizen and taking on roles in the organization. To get started, register as a citizen and tell us about your talents.
Citizens are the driving force of our ecosystem. Ideas are the sparks that ignite change. The purpose of the QOLEI ecosystem is to help such ideas grow into the greatest endeavours. For this QOLEI needs the contribution of different talents and competences from the citizens.
Acquire status
Citizens will earn status based on their commitment to the ecosystem. This commitment can be translated in different skills, ambitions or goals of the individual. Several aims, like for example onboarding new citizens, building initiatives, assisting businesses, sharing know-how, will be measured and defined in possible levels to reach. Those levels are categorized as Thinkers, Creators, Builders, Teachers, Ambassadors and Citizens.
Consume services
The QOLEI initiative started in 2016 as a spin-off of Positiv’eau. Positiv’eau is an organisation offering training and counselling pathways to increase quality of life for people and organisations.
As a QOLEI partner they accept QOL as a payment method.
Participation & remuneration
The PAR token is the representation of participation in the QOLEI ecosystem. It is used to reward all forms of contributions. It is also the starting point to acquire wealth in the ecosystem.
Participation is the key driver in the QOLEI ecosystem. The participation is expressed in PAR tokens. Every citizen who contributes to the ecosystem earns PAR tokens.
The organism can choose to give a citizen the choice to be remunerated using the local currency, PAR or a combination of both.
PAR tokens are generated by the QOLEI-holding for itself or for an organism in order to compensate a citizen providing a service. These services represent the costs for an organism and can be divided into these categories:
- Time
- Money or equivalent
- Supplies and equipment that enable the business
- Relationships and network
- Intellectual property
Every cost in an organism must have an amount of PAR associated with it.
Every service rendered by an organism must have:
- A public facing QOL price (and the pegged FIAT equivalent)
- The public price is market driven
- A QOLEI-community faced PAR price
- The community price is FAIR cost based
What is the PAR cost of a service
A list of the costs of all services is maintained by the QOLEI-holding. As all things inside the QOLEI, the list is evolutionary and will adapt overtime. The PAR cost of a service however is universal to all organisms inside the QOLEI.
The PAR is a virtual concept based on the FAIR $ value of the service for a US resident. We would convert that $ value to PAR using the 1$=1PAR conversion rate.
The value should represent the total FAIR cost to a company as well as a FAIR wage/remuneration for the service provider. For example, a wage cost should be the same whether the service provider is on the payroll or a contractor.
The actual $ value doesn’t matter after this point as the PAR is actually an abstract representation.
We take the $ value of a US resident as a starting reference point because it is the biggest, best documented uniform market.
The base value of a service in PAR can however be influenced by:
- The risk factor taken by the citizen
- Time yields a factor X2
- Money or equivalent yields a factor X4
- The scarcity of a specific profile
- The scarcity factor represents the relative amount of available profiles within the ecosystem. Initially the scarcity factor is set to X1.
How to earn PAR
PAR is earned by the citizens in exchange for their contribution in response to an organisms’ request.
PAR is stored in a blockchain contract in each organisation and for every citizen.
The PAR is converted to eQOL yearly during the ceremony of gratitude.
PAR or local currency what to choose
In some cases citizens can be given a choice between PAR or local currency as a remuneration for their service. However,
when choosing PAR:
- Risk factor may be applied
- Scarcity factor may be applied
When using local currency
- Risk factor may NOT be applied
- Scarcity factor may be applied
The monthly maximum allowable amount of local currency to be handed out by an organism can never be greater than moving average of generated cashflow over the 3 previous months. An organism cannot spend more that it earns.
When PAR is converted to local currency the QPPP (purchasing power parity index) is applied based on the location of the organism requesting the service.
The eQOL token is the representation of ownership in the QOLEI ecosystem. It is created once a year during the ceremony of gratitude.
Added value
Added value is calculated yearly for every organism. The added value is calculated by comparing the active side of the balance sheet to the previous period. The added value is always expressed in the local currency in which the organism is established.
PAR to eQOL conversion
- The added value produced by each QOLEI organism is calculated
- The added value is converted to eQOL using
- The purchasing power parity index
- The value of the QOL token before the ceremony
- The correct amount of eQOL is generated by the QOLEI. If there is eQOL available from a previous eQOL to PAR exchange, those eQOL tokens will be redistributed before creating new ones.
- The total added value for the QOLEI ecosystems sums up to 100%
- Resulting in each organism having a specific % of added value relative to its performance
- Each citizen’s locked PAR is summed up to 100% for each organism
- Resulting in each citizen having a specific % of eQOL relative to his % of PAR
- The eQOL is distributed to the citizens a rato their %
After the ceremony the value of the QOL is adjusted to reflect the new value of the QOLEI ecosystem: Total value of the ecosystem / QOL token circulation
The total amount of eQOL generated for a specific organism always represents 100% of its ownership. Each year after the ceremony the amount for eQOL rises and ownership percentages evolve according to participation by the citizens.
Individual citizens owning less than 10% of the organism will be grouped and act as a single participant managed by the QOLEI. They will be represented in the organisms governance by a ref-link.
Inside the QOLEI eQOL can only be exchanged back to PAR. Although the QOLEI will allow eQOL to be transferred between citizens.
eQOL is a representation of ownership, not governance. Governance is expressed within the boundaries of the constitution. Ownership does not hold any right towards governance.
eQOL To PAR conversion
When a citizen contributes their talent to the QOLEI he earns participation tokens (PAR). PAR tokens are transformed to eQOL yearly during the ceremony of gratitude.
When needing a service from one of the QOLEI organisms (housing, service, … ) a citizen can pay using QOL (which is the regular way) or using eQOL.
The amount of PAR for the service is converted to eQOL using the QOL based purchasing power parity index (QPPP).
PAR is added to the organism total PAR count and allocated to the citizen providing the service.
The eQOL is added to the QOLEI’s share within the originating organism. This holding however is temporary as it will be redistributed at the next ceremony of gratitude, before new eQOL is created.
eQOL tokens are only converted to shares (1 eQOL = 1 share) at the end of a QOLEI organism’s life.
This can only happen in 2 ways:
Shutting down
Because debt is not allowed in the QOLEI, an organism that fails to be self-sustainable and meet the minimum QOL-index requirements will be terminated. Any remaining cash after the termination procedure will be distributed to the participating citizens a-rato their relative eQOL holdings.
An organism can be acquired by an external party. Every participating citizen will get his share based on their relative eQOL holdings. All shares are equal and represent the staring position for any negociation. The valuation with the 3rd party will be based on this initial state. At the very least every participating citizen should be able to choose cash. Citizens wishing to stay in the new organisation can do so depending on the terms negotiated with the 3rd party. When an organism leaves the QOLEI ecosystem it can choose to become a QOLEI partner organisation if all prerequisite conditions are met.
The QOLEI-holding has a pre-emptive right to acquire at the same valuation and share distribution conditions as those agreed upon with the third party.
The QOLEI-holding will hold a part of its assets liquid in the form of a cash-well at the disposal of the organisms where they can “dip” in exchange for PAR in conformity with their business plan and the applying rules.
The QOLEI-holding will invest in infrastructure assets to support organisms in their effort to create Quality of life. Such as: Experience centre, Service flats, co-working spaces, Children day care …
Rental agreements between the QOLEI-holding and the organisms will be put in place based on the sole purpose of maintaining the infrastructure’s ability to fulfil its purpose. The rental price will be calculated taking into account the whole life cycle costs.
Governance for the QOLEI-holding and all QOLEI organisms is based on the code of conduct. The processes are decribed in the constitution and the work ethics.
The economic principles are described in the QOLEI-economy
The equity is represented by the eQOL token, shares are only issued at termination of the company. Until that event, the mother organisation holds 100% of the shares of its subsidiaries.
Operational profits stay in the ecosystem
Quality of life at work
If you want to learn more about distribution of power in your own organisation or quality of life on the workfloor contact our official partner Positiv’eau
QOLEI Investment projects
The Quality of life economic initiative is about a new way of living, a new way of working, a new way of being in the global economy. Some of the aspects require trust, transparency and privacy, all features facilitated by the blockchain technology.
However, it’s not the internet, an algorithm or a software platform that will change society. People are the only ones able to change it.
We make use of technology as a lever to lower the barriers that make it harder to implement change but ultimately, we as a society will evolve in the same way we have been for thousands of years, by talking to each other, telling stories and working together towards a common goal.
Technology such as the internet works as an amplifier, it does not choose what stance and opinion it amplifies. Let us use it to spread stories of awareness, connection and growth.
Technology such as the blockchain works as an amplifier, it does not choose what is done with privacy and independence. Let us use it to spread the idea that we can build a society where we do not have to look up to someone for guidance but where we all share a moral compass as guide.
In this project we will use blockchain and other technology as enabler, not as a goal. In a way the QOLEI is a hybrid implementation of a DAO, let’s call it a Distributed Autonomous Human Organisation, DAhO.
Purchasing power parities (PPPs) are the rates of currency conversion that equalise the purchasing power of different currencies by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries. In their simplest form, PPPs show the ratio of prices in national currencies of the same good or service in different countries. PPPs are also calculated for groups of products and for each of the various levels of aggregation up to and including GDP. The basket of goods and services priced is a sample of all those that are a part of final expenditure: household consumption, government services, capital formation and net exports, covered by GDP. This indicator is measured in terms of national currency per $.
The QPPP takes into account the value of the QOL token at a given time.
The whole life-cycle costs of a building ensure that the building can sustainable continue to fulfill its purpose. It includes
- Construction
- Acquisition
- Renovation
- Purposing
- Operation
- Statutory periodic inspections
- Operational facility costs
- Preventive maintenance costs
- Cost of replacement and repair
- Reactive repair costs
- End of life
- Renovation
- Repurposing
- Rebuilding
The operation maintenance includes
- preventive maintenance
- scheduled maintenance
- corrective maintenance
- condition-based maintenance
- emergency/unforeseen maintenance
- predictive maintenance
- deferred maintenance
- on-site/off-site maintenance
In the QOLEI a PAR-rental price will be calculated based on the above parameters
Because there is actually no reason not to. We have laid out some possible scenario’s hereunder
- You want to do it differently
- Great! join us and help it evolve! the QOLEI is evolutionary
- You can do it better
- Great! join us, teach us and help it evolve, the QOLEI is evolutionary
- You want to get filthy rich on your own do some cock swinging on twitter
- Great! join and let us open your mind to the opportunities of doing it differently
- You have another good reason
- Great! Tell us about what we are missing then join and contribute to making it happen. The QOLEI is evolutionary.
- You want to build a nuclear weapon and take over the world
- Go get some help first and join us after
A special thank you to these people for their inspiring ideas and work.
Frederick Laloux for “Reinventing Organizations”
Ken Wilber for his “Integral theory”
Brian J.Robertson for the Holacracy practice and constitution
Mike Moyer for “slicing pie”
Simon Sinek for “Start with why”
David Allen for “Getting things done”
Mo Gawdat for “Solve for Happy”
Dirk Van Duppen for “De supersamenwerker”
Marsha M. Linehan for DBT
Insoo Kim Berg for solution focused brief therapy
M. Joseph Sirgy for “The psychology of Quality of Life: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia”
Edward F. Fischer for “The Good Life: aspiration, dignity and the Anthropology of Wellbeing”

Joeri Torfs
QOLEI Citizen

Pim Ampe
QOLEI Citizen

Elise Torfs
QOLEI Citizen

Molly Goodman
QOLEI Citizen

Ronald Verhaegen
QOLEI Citizen

Lola GuiGuilé
QOLEI Citizen
reach out